Kev daws teeb meem rau kev tswj hwm kev tsim khoom ntse thiab tswj qhov system

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Nrog rau txoj kev loj hlob sai ntawm kev tshawb fawb thiab thev naus laus zis, kev lag luam hauv ntiaj teb tau nkag mus rau lub sijhawm txhim kho tshiab.Lub teb chaws Yelemees tau tshaj tawm "Kev Lag Luam 4.0", Tebchaws Asmeskas tau thov "National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing", Nyiv tau tshaj tawm "Science and Technology Industry Alliance", thiab United Kingdom tau npaj "Industry 2050 Strategy", Tuam Tshoj kuj tau npaj "Ua hauv Suav teb. 2025 ".

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Keeb kwm

Nrog rau txoj kev loj hlob sai ntawm kev tshawb fawb thiab thev naus laus zis, kev lag luam hauv ntiaj teb tau nkag mus rau lub sijhawm txhim kho tshiab.Lub teb chaws Yelemees tau tshaj tawm "Kev Lag Luam 4.0", Tebchaws Asmeskas tau npaj "National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing", Nyiv tau tshaj tawm "Science and Technology Industry Alliance", thiab United Kingdom tau npaj "Industry 2050 Strategy", Tuam Tshoj kuj tau npaj "Ua hauv Suav teb. 2025".Kev hloov pauv thib plaub kuj tseem muab sijhawm rau kev txhawb nqa MES, thiab kev siv dav ntawm ERP thiab PCS hauv kev tsim khoom lag luam kuj tseem muab lub hauv paus zoo rau MES.Tab sis rau tam sim no, kev nkag siab thiab kev siv ntawm MES txawv ntawm kev lag luam mus rau kev lag luam, thiab kev loj hlob tsis sib npaug hauv thaj tsam sib txawv.Yog li ntawd, kev lag luam thiab kev lag luam yuav tsum xaiv MES haum rau lawv tus kheej txoj kev loj hlob raws li lawv tus kheej tej yam kev mob thiab cov yam ntxwv los daws cov teeb meem uas cov tsoos manufacturing ntaub ntawv systems thiab cov txheej txheem tswj cov txheej txheem yog tsis muaj cov ntaub ntawv kev twb kev txuas.Yog li ntawd, kev siv MES hauv kev tsim khoom lag luam yog qhov tseem ceeb heev.

Ua ntej tshaj plaws, MES tsis yog tsuas yog ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm kev siv Kev Lag Luam 4.0, tab sis kuj yog ib qho txiaj ntsig zoo ntawm kev sib sib zog nqus ntawm ob qhov kev lag luam uas tau nyiam ntau thiab ntau dua.MES tau dhau los ua qhov kev tswj hwm tseem ceeb rau kev hloov pauv kev lag luam, txhim kho thiab txhim kho kom ruaj khov.

Qhov thib ob, tam sim no qhov teeb meem kev lag luam hauv kev lag luam mining yuav tsum tau siv qhov tob hauv kev tswj hwm kev lag luam zoo, uas yuav tsum tau siv MES uas tuaj yeem paub txog kev tswj hwm kev lag luam hauv lub Hoobkas, mine, rhiav, thiab kev tsim cov txheej txheem kev soj ntsuam cov ntaub ntawv xov xwm.

Thib peb, kev saib xyuas cov txheej txheem mine ntau lawm yog qhov tsis yooj yim, thiab cov txheej txheem tswj kev ruaj ntseg yog qhov nyuaj rau ua tau raws li.MES paub txog cov pob tshab thiab kev tswj xyuas kev tshawb fawb ntawm cov txheej txheem tsim khoom hauv cov chaw tsim khoom, mines thiab kev cob qhia.Nws tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas cov hauv paus hniav uas ua rau muaj teeb meem cuam tshuam rau cov khoom zoo thiab cov nqi noj, txhim kho lub sijhawm tiag tiag thiab kev ua kom yooj yim ntawm kev npaj, thiab tib lub sijhawm txhim kho cov txiaj ntsig ntawm cov kab ntau lawm uas ua rau cov txheej txheem kab tsim cov khoom tsim tawm lossis dhau qhov tsim muaj peev xwm.

Keeb kwm

Hom phiaj

Hom phiaj

Lub Hom Phiaj ntawm cov mines ntse - siv cov ntaub ntawv thev naus laus zis kom paub txog ntsuab, nyab xeeb thiab ua haujlwm zoo niaj hnub mines.

Ntsuab - tag nrho cov txheej txheem ntawm kev tsim cov pob zeb hauv av, kev tshawb fawb thiab kev txiav txim siab mining, thiab tiv thaiv ib puag ncig ecological.

Kev nyab xeeb - hloov cov mines txaus ntshai, ua haujlwm hnyav rau hauv cov neeg ua haujlwm tsawg thiab tsis muaj neeg ua haujlwm.

Efficient - Siv cov ntaub ntawv thev naus laus zis los txuas cov txheej txheem, khoom siv, cov neeg ua haujlwm, thiab cov haujlwm ua haujlwm kom ntseeg tau tias kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov mus ntev.

System Composition thiab Architecture

System Composition thiab Architecture

Siv cov txheej txheem tsim khoom raws li cov kab tseem ceeb, raws li cov ntaub ntawv muaj nyob hauv lub sijhawm xws li automation, ntsuas, thiab lub zog;MES khiav los ntawm cov txheej txheem kev tswj hwm kev tshaj lij xws li kev tsim khoom, kev ua tau zoo, sijhawm teem sijhawm, khoom siv, thev naus laus zis, kev yuav khoom, kev muag khoom, thiab lub zog, suav nrog kaum ob qhov kev ua haujlwm, uas yog kev tswj hwm, kev tswj hwm, kev tsim khoom, kev tsim khoom, kev tsim khoom, kev tswj cov khoom lag luam, cov khoom siv. kev tswj xyuas, kev tswj cov khoom siv, kev tswj xyuas hluav taws xob, kev tswj xyuas kom zoo, kev ntsuas kev tswj xyuas, kev tswj xyuas qhov system.

Cov txiaj ntsig thiab txiaj ntsig

Cov kev tswj xyuas tseem ceeb yog raws li hauv qab no:

Kev tswj hwm qib tau txhim kho tseem ceeb.

Txhim khu kev tswj hwm hauv nruab nrab, tsim kom muaj kev sib koom tes, thiab txhawb kev tswj hwm kev sib koom tes

Tsis muaj zog tswj kev ua haujlwm thiab ntxiv dag zog rau kev tswj xyuas cov txheej txheem.

Txhawb nqa kev tswj hwm tus qauv thiab txhim kho kev ua tiav.

Txhawb nqa kev tswj xyuas kom zoo thiab ntxiv dag zog rau kev tswj hwm kev siv zog.

Txhim kho kev tswj kom pom tseeb thiab txhim kho kev tswj hwm kev sib raug zoo.

Kev tswj hwm kev ua tau zoo tau raug txhim kho tseem ceeb

Lub kaw lus tuaj yeem cuam tshuam txog kev tsim khoom, kev ntsuas, qhov zoo, kev xa khoom thiab lwm yam ntaub ntawv raws sijhawm thiab tsis muaj zog, thiab tuaj yeem nug thiab siv tau txhua lub sijhawm.

Cov ntaub ntawv thiab cov ntaub ntawv tau txais los ntawm qib qis tshaj plaws ntawm kev ntsuas, kev tshuaj xyuas zoo, cov khoom siv tau los yog tuaj yeem tsim los ntawm qhov system, uas yog raws sijhawm thiab raug.

Cov thawj coj thiab cov thawj coj ntawm txhua qib tau tso tawm los ntawm ntau cov haujlwm rov ua dua tshiab nrog cov ntsiab lus tswj hwm qis.

Yav dhau los, kev ua haujlwm uas yuav tsum tau siv cov txheej txheem thiab siv ntau lub zog thiab lub sijhawm tam sim no hloov mus ua haujlwm yooj yim thiab luv luv nrog kev pab ntawm cov ntaub ntawv thev naus laus zis, thiab kev ua haujlwm tau zoo dua ntau pua zaus.

Kev tswj hwm lub hauv paus tau ntxiv dag zog

Muab cov ntaub ntawv muaj tseeb thiab raug.Los ntawm phau ntawv nkag mus rau kev sau ncaj qha los ntawm cov cuab yeej siv hluav taws xob thiab cov ntsuas mus rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv thib ob rau kev ua thiab txheeb xyuas, cov ntaub ntawv yog pob tshab uas nws qhov tseeb tuaj yeem lav tau.

Ceev cov ntaub ntawv tsom xam thiab teb.Lub kaw lus cia li tsim lub rooj tsav xwm pom pom, uas tuaj yeem ua rau koj them sai sai rau qhov xwm txheej ntawm lub sijhawm tiag tiag ntawm qhov chaw hauv lub sijhawm ntawm txhua qhov chaw.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb